

Create a compelling interaction between Max and the Sparkfun Digital Sandbox (Arduino). You must either send data to Max from the Arduino or send data from Max to the Arduino (or both!).

Places to begin:

  • example Max files in Help > Reference or Help > Examples folder

  • combine a preexisting Max patch with the serial patches I give you below

Demonstrate your project during class March 18 and share your Max patch and Arduino Sketch with the class.

Sparkfun Digital Sandbox

We'll be writing Arduino code (text) rather than using the graphical programming language called ArduBlock.


  1. Install FTDI (USB) Drivers = https://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm

  2. Install the Arduino IDE = https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software

Getting Started with the Sandbox Alone


  • start with 1. Exploring Blink

  • then do 2. Multi-Blink

void setup() {
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);    // sets the digital pin 13 as output

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // sets the digital pin 13 on
  delay(1000);            // waits for a second
  digitalWrite(13, LOW);  // sets the digital pin 13 off
  delay(1000);            // waits for a second
  • 16. Servo Sweeper = make sure the "charge" switch on the Digital SandBox is in the "off" position

Digital Sandbox + Max

How serial communication works = https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/serial-communication/all

Here's another helpful tutorial = https://youtu.be/6bT3G4Mep7E

Example files to download:

Hive 2.0 = https://hopkinsduffield.com/2014/12/11/hive-2-0-documentation/

Last updated