Select Works

  • 1948 - Pierre Schaeffer - Etude aux chemins de fer (trains)

    • Musique concréte = fixed - created from recorded sounds and synthesized sounds

  • 1954 - Stockhausen - Studie II

    • Elektronische Musik = fixed - based solely on the production and manipulation of electronically produced sounds rather than recorded sounds

  • 1970 - Mario Davidovsky - Synchronism No.6

    • "One of the central ideas of these pieces is the search to find ways of embedding both the acoustic and the electronic into a single, coherent musical and aesthetic space." - Davidovsky

    • Tape music = fixed

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ScoreFollower and Incipitisfy YouTube channels. Here's the owner describing the two channels:

They are simply different channels started by different people that are now owned by the score follower team. Incipitsify was given to the person behind score follower in 2015, necessitating additional members to help upkeep both of the channels, along with the channel mediated scores. We chose to keep the channels separate for multiple reasons—one of which being that upon ownership transfer, we had to go through all of the incipitsify videos and secure permissions and/or delete videos that did not follow our guidelines. We also did not want to zero-out views/likes and create hundreds of dead links by taking down incipitsify and Re-uploading to score follower. There’s no conscious aesthetic difference, although it is worth noting that score follower focuses on works from the last 10 years, and has a once-per-week upload schedule, while incipitsify is regarded as a larger archival repository with an upload schedule of twice per week.

Electrothéque music database (Baylor subscription)

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