Assignment (stereo recording)

Reference the Introduction to Computer Music site to learn specifics about XY and ORTF microphone setups.

What is "stereo-worthy musical content"? (you may ask)

Ideally, you would benefit the most from gaining experience recording an ensemble. So, if you are going to be rehearsing in an ensemble or (better yet) if you can attend a few minutes of an ensemble rehearsal, record that! Nonetheless, recording yourself in stereo will produce a much fuller dynamic recording than will mono recordings ... so record yourself!

  • Create another page on your Github site dedicated just to this project and include the following:

    • *link* to Box direct download (not embed) of .WAV file of you recording stereo-worthy musical content using the XY setup with a sample rate of 48k and bit depth of 24bit

      • make sure you have edited the recording so it begins right away and averages -14 LUF integrated and -1dB True Peak ... you may edit the recording further if you would like to by adding EQ, reverb, etc., but that is not required.

    • *link* to Box direct download (not embed) of .WAV file of you recording stereo-worthy musical content using the ORTF setup with a sample rate of 48k and bit depth of 24bit

      • make sure you have edited the recording so it begins right away and averages -14 LUF integrated and -1dB True Peak ... you may edit the recording further if you would like to by adding EQ, reverb, etc., but that is not required.

Things to consider:

  • microphone distance from the subject

    • the closer it is to the subject, the less the preamp has to be turned up (which will produce less hissing noise and allow less background noise from entering the recording)

    • the stereo image will be more full if the mics are closer when using XY and ORTF (mics can be further back when using other stereo techniques that require omni and figure-eight polar patterns you don't have)

  • recording space

    • recording in a very dead space (like a walk in closet) will most likely require reverb plugins to be added in post

    • recording in a very live space (like a bathroom) may require the mics to be closer to the subject so reflections (reverberation) will bleed into the mic less (most likely due to the fact that you will have to turn down the preamp)

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